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Frank Jacinto Elementary’s namesake was a distinguished Lorain educator and often called the grandfather of the Hispanic Community in Lorain. 

Jacinto was born in Lorain on April 10, 1933. He was employed at U.S. Steel for a year, then joined the U.S. Navy, serving for four years, rising to the rank of radarman second class. 

He earned a bachelor's degree at Ohio State University and a master's degree from Kent State University. 

He was Ohio's first Hispanic principal when he was appointed principal of Lincoln Elementary School.  He retired from Lorain City Schools in 1984.  

In addition to his work in education Jacinto was a tireless community organizer and advocate. He was an officer in Mexican-American Citizens Club and the Mexican Mutual Society and a founding member of El Centro, the Hispanic Fund and the Coalition for the Hispanic/Latino Issues & Progress (CHIP). He was author of "The Mexican Community in Lorain, Ohio" and the author, photographer and editor of both the souvenir booklet of the Mexican International Spotlight Committee and the contributor to the book "Hispanic Community in Lorain." In addition to many other volunteer roles in local community service organizations he was a W.G. Nord Community Mental Health Center board member for 16 years. 

His passing on February 22, 2002 marked the end of nearly seven decades of service. He inspired and encouraged everyone who came to know him and is remembered not only for his dedication and accomplishments in the community but also for his focus on the education of all of Lorain’s children.  


At Frank Jacinto Elementary (FJE), we inspire, challenge, and empower our preschool to fifth-grade students through the love of learning by mastering the basics as they develop their own skills and interests. We promote high expectations while working with parents and the Lorain community to develop students to their full potential.


  • All Day Preschool and Kindergarten
  • Free Breakfast and Lunch
  • Free shuttle to health appointments at our school-based clinic
  • Innovative and responsive methods for teaching students of all abilities
  • 1:1 technology for all students
  • Celebration of student achievements
  • Special Education services for students of all ability levels
  • Visual Arts, Music, Dance, and Physical Education